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Touchless Access
Effortless with Facial Recognition

Exclusive Access for Authorized Individuals

tf facial recognition attendance system

Your Employee Is Your Asset

With our Industry-leading Biometric technology, we ensure swift authentication for your employees in under one second.
This rapid process allows them to allocate more time towards enhancing your company’s operations and generating revenue.

BMO POS TF Face Recognition + Door Access with Installation

PRICE: RM2699 (FREE 2 Months Cloud)

Installation area Penang, KL, and Johor Bharu worth RM699

Face Recognition Door Access Control Benefits

Convenient, secure, touchless access with enhanced biometric security.
Save Many More Money

Save costs within your budget by eliminating the need to purchase access cards, leading to substantial savings, particularly as your staff numbers grow.

Hands-free User Authentication

Ensure seamless passage through the security gate, even with full hands, while maintaining the highest level of building security through Face Biometrics.

Enhanced Security Measures

Facial Recognition devices provide precise and highly secure authentication, surpassing traditional access methods like PIN codes or key fob door entry.

Deviceless Authentication

Face recognition eliminates the need for physical access devices like key fobs or RFID cards, preventing access issues caused by forgetfulness or loss.

Reduce Time Waste

100% with our Face Recognition Door Access Control
Biometric time attendance with facial recognition requires unique individual user. There’s no way someone can impersonate you to log your attendance on your behalf with biometrics face ID access. POSMarket Face Recognition Door Access Control helps increase the security and efficiency of access control and time attendance tracking, making them easier than before!

Multiple Reports Available

Verify Your Employees’ Attendance
Your management team will receive automatic attendance reports. Track time accurately to reduce labor expenditures using Report Automation. Our Attendance Report Automation Generate a wide range of Reports work-time, absent report, leave report, late coming report, early going out report, and overtime report all report you can print by individual employee and by selecting a whole department.

Automated Attendance Report with A.I.

Face is the new ID


The standalone version can work without syncing to the cloud.It will only represent you with a list of in and out time of the employee.


When it is cloud based, it will leverage the power of computerized A.I. to summarize data according to employee work pattern.

Face Recognition Door Access Control

The End of Access Card Hassle

Efficient workplace access with Face Recognition Attendance Door Access. Malaysia Door Access Control ensures precise work time tracking through face recognition. Enhance convenience, health safety, and operational efficiency with face-based access control at entrances and restricted areas. Enjoy touchless biometric technology for seamless lobby flow, minimal surface contact, and enhanced convenience and safety.

RM2699 TF Face Recognition + Door Access with Installation

What's in the package:

RM699 Door Access Control Standalone with Installation

What's in the package:

Efficient Door Access Control and Attendance Management System: Customer Setup in Malaysia

Choosing the right door access system can be challenging without security industry expertise. Installation requires extensive knowledge of door access, setup, and planning for low maintenance and enhanced security.

Get secure and convenient access to your premises with our advanced Door Access Control solutions!

Experience the benefits of biometric authentication, enhanced security, and streamlined operations.