Exclusive Access for Authorized Individuals

Exclusive Access for Authorized Individuals
Save costs within your budget by eliminating the need to purchase access cards, leading to substantial savings, particularly as your staff numbers grow.
Ensure seamless passage through the security gate, even with full hands, while maintaining the highest level of building security through Face Biometrics.
Facial Recognition devices provide precise and highly secure authentication, surpassing traditional access methods like PIN codes or key fob door entry.
Face recognition eliminates the need for physical access devices like key fobs or RFID cards, preventing access issues caused by forgetfulness or loss.
The standalone version can work without syncing to the cloud.It will only represent you with a list of in and out time of the employee.
When it is cloud based, it will leverage the power of computerized A.I. to summarize data according to employee work pattern.
What's in the package:
What's in the package: